Miniseries | Episode 10: From South Korea to Tokyo


Country & People/Travel, Germany 2014

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Art or criminal property damage? The opinions on this question with regard to the works of the graffiti artist, whom the team meets in the South Korean harbor town Busan, vary. After the crossing with a ferry, the farEAST-vehicles have Japanese territory under their wheels. In Hiroshima, the team will learn that the victims of the first atomic bombing have been fighting for acknowledgment for a long time and peace is also the topic with which young musicians in Hiroshima grapple. In a Japanese monastery in Antai-ji, the reporters meet a German abbot and on the way to Tokyo, they meet a wannabe-bike-gang comprised of school kids on their mopeds. The way through Kyoto is not made with the team's cars but with a ricksha and a famous Japanese weaponsmith opens the doors to his workshop where he is in the process of making a Katana, a Japanese longsword. Tokyo - the megacity, the huge capital of Japan. Almost hidden in a small park under some trees, the team encounters a woman who flatly refuses to go back to the order of the day after the nuclear disaster. She is protesting with a sign saying: nuclear energy - no thank you! A group of young people gives the farEAST-team a completely new perspective on the Japanese capital. They practice showjumping course, a sport that includes avoiding sidewalks and leaping across everything that stands in their way. As night falls, the farEAST-team sets out to find the final scene for their road movie about the long journey from Berlin to Tokyo: the sunrise at the Fujiyama.
44 min
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Ansgar Frerich


Jan Maihorn

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16:9 SD, Color

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