The girls are excited, the last exams have been written and they are looking forward to a slightly less strenuous time! Mrs Harschmann sees it differently, the final exams have been written, but the school time is still far from over! Mildred, Mona, Edith and Jadu still want to celebrate and with the help of Fenella and Griselda they sneak into the village for the fair. But unfortunately the spell is broken and so they are welcomed by Mrs. Graustein. The director reacts with unusual severity! This provokes resistance from the girls. They demand co-determination!
The girls are excited, the last exams have been written and they are looking forward to a slightly less strenuous time! Mrs Harschmann sees it differently, the final exams have been written, but the school time is still far from over! Mildred, Mona, Edith and Jadu still want to celebrate and with the help of Fenella and Griselda they sneak into the village for the fair. But unfortunately the spell is broken and so they are welcomed by Mrs. Graustein. The director reacts with unusual severity! This provokes resistance from the girls. They demand co-determination!