"Auf zum Polarkreis!" provides a behind-the-scenes look at the lavishly produced German nature film series "Wildes Skandinavien." This film shows how sensational and comical events unfold in front of the camera. But it also shows success and failure during filming. Musk oxen attack remote-controlled cameras, vipers attack the cameramen, dog sled tours in freezing cold end in tobogganing for man and equipment, and swarms of mosquitoes turn days spent in camouflage tents into a nervous ordeal.
"Auf zum Polarkreis!" provides a behind-the-scenes look at the lavishly produced German nature film series "Wildes Skandinavien." This film shows how sensational and comical events unfold in front of the camera. But it also shows success and failure during filming. Musk oxen attack remote-controlled cameras, vipers attack the cameramen, dog sled tours in freezing cold end in tobogganing for man and equipment, and swarms of mosquitoes turn days spent in camouflage tents into a nervous ordeal.