Bubbly Big Top

Everyday life/Youth Film, Germany 2011

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Madeleine and Anthony Kaselovsky live in a small traveling circus, Circus Brunselli. The special thing about this circus: all family members are employees, all those who work with the circus belong to the family, and this already in the seventh generation. And in this family business, everyone has to be able to do everything: from driving the truck to erecting the tent, to caring for the animals, to operating the cotton candy drum. For Madeleine, this means not only that she looks after little Diego with her left hand and starts the popcorn machine with her right, while Anthony coordinates the tent set-up and take-down, the care of the animals and the advertising team. But also that they are the main artist and junior chef in almost all the numbers of the show once or twice a day. Behind the sparkling image that paints a fantastic world for the audience for two hours is a complex culture with its own language, customs and structures. A world that at first seems almost as fantastic as the show it presents, but at its core consists primarily of hard work and close family ties. Madeleine seems proud when she talks about the strict rules of the circus world. "That's what makes us different from private girls, we don't come home with a boyfriend at 13 and we don't drink alcohol at 14." "Private", in the circus world, are all those who have a permanent residence, all those who are not part of the traveling crowd. And for Madeleine and Anthony, it's clear that their place will continue to be in the circus ring.
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16:9 SD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 10 years

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