The Sons of Great Bear

Adventure/Drama, GDR/Bosnia & Herzegovina 1966

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The first "Indian film" of the GDR, staged in Yugoslavia by a Czech director with great scenic effort. Based on a six-volume novel, it tells of the struggle of the Dakotas (1876/77) against land- and money-hungry white invaders: Tokei-ihto, chief of the "Sons of the Great Bear" of the Dakota tribe, has been ordered to Fort Smith by Lieutenant Roach. He suspects treachery on the part of the whites and would have preferred to fight them with Chief Tashunka-witko, but the elders have decided otherwise. Arriving in the company of his personal enemy Fred Clark, called Red Fox, his suspicions are confirmed. The whites want to drive the Indians off their treaty land because gold has been found there. Tokei-ihto refuses to agree to move to a reservation on barren land and is imprisoned. When the fighting Dakota are defeated and relocated, he is released. The others of his tribal group have since realized their mistake, and with Tokei-ihto they decide to flee to free Canada. A fierce pursuit begins. As the tribe crosses the borders, Tokei-ihto faces Red Fox for the final fight.

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Josef Mach


Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich (Children's Book)


Ilse Peters


Wilhelm Neef


Gojko Mitić (Tokei-ihto)

Jirí Vrstála (Red Fox)

Rolf Römer (Tobias)

Hans Hardt-Hardtloff (Major Smith)

Gerhard Rachold (Lieutenant Roach)

Horst Jonischkan (Adams)

Jozef Majercik (Tschetansapa)

Jozef Adamovic (Tschopa)

Milan Jablonsky (Donner vom Berge)

Original title:

Die Söhne der großen Bärin

Original language:


Further titles:

Dakotas - Die Söhne der großen Bärin


16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 8 years

Age rating:


Audio language:
