Season 1 | Episode 1: At the fitness club/ While golfing/ High altitude/ The swing/ Safety first!


Adventure/Everyday life, South Korea/France 2004

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Actually, Bernard is a grim polar bear who would prefer to have his peace and quiet. However, he often stumbles over the pitfalls of everyday life and from one unpleasant situation to the next. Whether in the cold polar region, on a lonely island or during sporting confirmations: his misadventures strain our laughing muscles! No matter what Bernard touches, he rarely gets away without a black eye, a bruised finger or complete exposure to himself and the world. One could almost feel sorry for him. But only almost! Because as soon as self-confidence and curiosity gain the upper hand with him, he begins to pester his surroundings mercilessly at whim... In the fitness club: Bernard has registered in the gym and trains diligently. At least until the exercise equipment reveals its own life to him.... Golfing: Today, Bernard has resolved to cut a particularly good figure on the green. Unfortunately, he has made the calculation without the laws of gravity... High altitude rush: Our grim bear has successfully finished the search for his climbing equipment. Now he is virtually storming up the peak. But the higher he gets, the more difficult the climb becomes.... The swing: Bernard discovers a beautiful tree and a super swing. But someone else was faster. But Bernard does not let go! Safety first: Bernard's dangerous appearance alone predestines him for the job of a safety bear. He knows his territory in the city museum very well, but: Why does this statue move its eyes?
16 min
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16:9 HD, Color

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